Media Specialist/Technology Integrator - Grades 9-12


Posted Date 9/10/2024

Regional School Unit 13

Grades 9-12 | Library Media Specialist | Technology Integrator

Regional School Unit 13 has an opening for a long-term substitute for Grades 9-12 Library Media Specialist | Technology Integrator.  A successful candidate will have a broad working knowledge of pedagogical practice for grades 9-12.  Demonstrated versatility and proficiency in educational technology and media applications.  Knowledge of instructional team membership roles and responsibilities, and communication skills necessary to support collaborative teaching and on-going, personalized professional development.  Knowledge of library media and developmental technology skills curriculum.  Effective assessment of technology application learning needs within the learning community for students.

A full time position comes with access to Health, Vision and Dental insurance (with the option for dependent coverage).  As well as paid sick and personal time off, MEPERS retirement, an optional 403(b) plan and advanced education opportunities.

Qualifications:  Maine Department of Education certification 680/Computer Technology and/or 071 Library Media Specialist

Requirements:  Criminal History Record Check (CHRC)

Please complete a Teacher Application and send it along with all requested documents to

Job Applications can be found on the RSU13 website under Central Office > Employment or by calling 207-596-2001.  Please direct all communication to Human Resources at 28 Lincoln Street, Rockland, ME 04841 or email to


Job postings will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.



Job Type
Librarian | Technology
Job Location (County)

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