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Employer FAQs

View Job Seeker FAQs
  • There are two ways to navigate to the Employer Profile page.
    1. Go to Dashboard, then click Create/Edit Profile on the Employer Dashboard page.
    2. Go to My Account > My Profile.
  • On the Employer Profile page, click Edit with Profile Builder.
  • On the Employer Profile Builder page, begin filling in the details. Note you may leave any field blank. Blank fields will not be shown.
  • Click Choose File to upload your Employer Logo.
  • For the Describe your organization... box, use the tools to edit the text. You can edit the format, font, and color. You can also add links.
  • Continue filling the information boxes in the Facts & Figures section, the Custom Facts section, the Social Networks section, the Images section, and the Videos section.
  • Select Yes to Make Profile Active.
  • Click Save to save the Profile.
  • Click Preview to preview the Profile.
  • Click Delete to delete the Profile.
  • Click Cancel to cancel the job Profile.
  • There are two ways to navigate to the Jobs page.
    • Go to Dashboard, then click View & Post Jobs on the Employer Dashboard page.
    • Go to Activity > View & Post Jobs.
  • On the Jobs page, click Add Job.
  • On the Add Job page, begin filling in the details.
  • For the Description box, use the tools to edit the text. You can edit the format, font, and color. You can also add links.
  • For Location, select Yes to show the job location on the map. You can fill in the exact street address or simply fill in the City and State.
  • For Options, Automatically Repost sets the job to automatically repost after the closing date.
  • Assigned To is useful for organizations with multiple users handling job postings.
  • List the destination email address for Send Application to Email or choose Redirect Applicant to URL.
  • To list multiple destination email addresses for job seeker applications, click Multiple and enter more email addresses.
  • To embed a YouTube or Vimeo video into your job posting, paste in the video embed code.
  • Click Add Questions to insert Screening Questions.
  • Click Post Job to make the job active.
  • Click Save Only to save it for a later date. Note the job will not be posted.
  • Click Preview to preview the job posting.
  • Click Cancel to cancel the job posting.

See our Post Job Guide for more details.

  • You can add an image within the job description by clicking on the 'Insert Image' button on the HTML editor toolbar.

  • Paste in the image URL into the source field. Add Image description (optional), then click Ok.
  • Note: If you do not have an image URL, you can create one using many free services.
  • There are two ways to navigate to the Jobs page.
    • Go to Dashboard, then click View & Post Jobs on the Employer Dashboard page.
    • Go to Activity > View & Post Jobs.
  • On the Jobs page, you will find the list of all job postings.
  • You can click on the job title to edit/close/pause/delete the job posting.
  • There are two ways to navigate to the Applicants page.
    • Go to Dashboard, then click Applicants on the Employer Dashboard page.
    • Go to Activity > Applicants.
  • On the Applicants page, you will find the list of applicants.
  • Go to the Jobs page to view the job status.
  • If the status is New it is not live on the job search page.
  • Click on the job title to edit the job.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Post
  • Your job will now be listed on the Search For Jobs page.
    • On the navigation bar, go to My Account > Users to navigate to the Manage Site Users page.
    • On the Manage Site Users page, click the Add User Account button.
    • Type in the user information and click Save.
    • To edit/delete users, simply click on their email to open the Edit User page. From here you can edit info and save or click the delete button.

    Job Seeker FAQs

    View Employer FAQs

    • On the navigation bar, go to My Profile > Account Info to navigate to the Account page.
    • On the Account page, click an Edit button to change your account information.
    • On the navigation bar, go to My Profile > Contact Info to navigate to the Contact Information page.
    • On the Contact Information page, click Edit My Contact Info to change your account information.
    • Update your account information, then click Save to save your changes or click Cancel to cancel without saving.
    • On the navigation bar, go to My Profile > Profile & Resumes to navigate to the Profile page.
    • On the Profile page, click Edit Profile to change your profile.
    • Update your profile, then click Save Profile to save your changes or click Cancel to cancel without saving.
    • To add a resume, click Add under Resume.

    Note: You can choose to have your profile searchable by firms or not. The resumes you upload will be the ones they can search for with keywords.

    • Jobs are listed on the Search Job Openings page.
    • There are two ways to navigate to the Search Job Openings page.
      1. Go to Job Search on the navigation bar.
      2. Click Search Jobs on the Home Page.
    • On the Job Openings page, click on the Job of interest.
    • On the page listing the Job you selected, click Save to save the Job.
    • On the navigation bar, go to My Job > History to navigate to the Application History page.
    • On the navigation bar, go to My Job > Alerts to navigate to the Job Alerts page.
    • On the Job Alerts page, click Set-up Job Alert.
    • On the Add Job Alert page, fill in the applicable details.
    • Click Save the alert.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the alert.
    • You can create a blank alert to receive an alert for every Job posted.
    • Yes, you can have more than one resume on your account.
    • On the navigation bar, go to My Profile > Profile & Resumes to navigate to the Profile page.
    • On the Profile page, click Add under Resume.
    • On the Add A Resume page, you have options to Upload Resume, Build Resume or Paste in Resume Text.
    • After uploading or building a resume, or pasting resume text, click Finish or Save to complete and/or save your changes. Or click Cancel to cancel your changes.
    • Yes, you can add a new resume after clicking Apply.
    • On the Apply to Job page, click create under Resume.
    • On the Create Resume page, you have options to Upload Resume, Build Resume or Paste in Resume Text.
    • After uploading or building a resume, or pasting resume text, click Finish or Save to complete and/or save your changes. Or click Cancel to cancel your changes.
    • You will be returned to the Apply to Job page.
    • Under Resume, select a resume with the Select Resume dropdown.
    • Yes, you can add and send a Cover Letter with Job Applications.
    • On the Apply to Job page, you have two options for a Cover Letter.
      1. Enter Cover Letter text directly into the Cover Letter text box.
      2. Upload a Cover Letter by clicking Browse under Attachments.