ESOL Teacher:
High School
The Waterville Public School System serves over 2,000 students of all ages in and near Waterville, Maine. Recognized as one of the city’s greatest assets, our schools engage every child in challenging, student-centered learning while providing a safe, welcoming environment for them to learn and grow.
Instructor Position
Benefits include:health Insurance, course reimbursement, sick leave, vacation time
Contract available online at: https://wtvl.aos92.org/home
Primary Responsibilities
- Provide English proficiency assessments and instruction to multilingual students.
- Implement ILAP plans for each student.
- Communicate effectively, differentiate instruction, and serve as a resource to teachers.
- MDOE ESOL Certification-660 (or eligible)
- Relevant education, credentials, and work experience
- Strong written, interpersonal, and organizational skills
- Strong initiative and willingness to work independently
- Able to work and communicate effectively with students, teachers, parents, and visitors
- Cooperative, patient, and respectful of the beliefs, opinions, and confidentiality of others
Application materials may be obtained on the Waterville Public Schools website, https://wtvl.aos92.org/jobs or by calling 873-4281. Application packets should include: completed application, cover letter, and resume.
Applications should be emailed to natkins@aos92.org or mailed to:
Waterville Public Schools
c/o ESOL Teacher Search
25 Messalonskee Avenue
Waterville, Maine 04901
Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is found. Waterville Public Schools does not discriminate in the operation of our educational and employment policies and will honor all appropriate laws relative to discrimination.