Director of Special Services

Hermon School Department | Hermon, ME

Posted Date 3/11/2025

Director of Special Services

The Hermon School Department is seeking a Director of Special Services. This is a full-time position beginning July 1, 2025.


  1. Administrator of Special Education—030
  2. Master of Education
  3. Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the School Committee may find appropriate.

Reports to: Superintendent


  1. Special education staff and support staff
  2. 504 Building Level Coordinators
  3. School Nurses
  4. Affirmative Action / Title IX Coordinator

Job Goal: To provide sound educational programs for children who require at least a partially different program from regular classroom programs.

Performance Responsibilities:

  1. Contributes to the development of the total school philosophy of education.
  2. Assists in the adaptation of school policies to include special education needs.
  3. Recommends policies and programs essential to the needs of exceptional children.
  4. Keeps informed of all legal requirements governing special education.
  5. Provides leadership in establishing new programs and developing improved understanding of existing programs.
  6. Develops and initiates survey programs for continuous identification of students with disabilities (504 students, gifted and talented students, English as second language students).
  7. Supervises and coordinates special education teacher performance and classroom programs and school nurses.
  8. Evaluates existing programs as an ongoing responsibility and recommends changes and additions as needed.
  9. Establishes procedures for placement, evaluation, assignment, and reappraisal of students with regard to the special education services program.
  10. Develops procedures for referral, securing medical reports, psychological examination, and placement.
  11. Supervises and coordinates home instruction for homebound or hospitalized students.
  12. Evaluates, determines tenure, and recommends for promotion any personnel serving in the special education area and school nurses.
  13. Assists in recruitment, selection, and recommendation for hiring of special education personnel.
  14. Assumes responsibility for compiling, maintaining, and filing all reports, records, and other documents legally required or administratively useful.
  15. Develops and maintains complete and cumulative individual records of all children receiving special services or enrolled in special classes.
  16. Supervises preparation of attendance reports and similar data necessary to reimbursement of funds, collecting of tuition for out-of-district students, and similar fiscal matters.
  17. Arranges for transportation of all children placed in special classes.
  18. Develops budget recommendations and provides expenditure control on established budgets for special education.
  19. Prepares State and Federal reports as required.
  20. Keeps informed of the state of financial aid for special education.
  21. Interprets the objectives and programs of the special education services to the School Committee, the administration, the staff, and the public at large.
  22. Maintains a permanent inventory of equipment purchased for special education.
  23. Establishes procedures for requisitioning, ordering, and paying for special education equipment and supplies.
  24. Approves all supplies, materials, and texts used by special education personnel.
  25. Evaluates on an ongoing basis, the total special education program, curriculum, procedures, and individual students’ needs and achievements.
  26. Makes recommendations on design, furnishings, equipment, and location of new special education facilities.
  27. Provides programs of a remedial nature to supplement regular classroom instruction for those students with learning or visual disabilities.
  28. Consults with parents of students enrolled in the program.
  29. Assumes responsibility for own professional growth and development; for keeping current with the literature, new research findings, and improved techniques; and for attending appropriate professional meetings and conventions.
  30. Participates in the planning and implementation of special education staff development.
  31. Will be a clear and effective communicator both in written and spoken word.
  32. Performs other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Superintendent or designee.

Candidates should apply by submitting an Administrative Application to Attn: Interim Superintendent David Walker emailed to or mailed to:

Interim Superintendent David Walker
31 Billings Road
Hermon, ME 04401

Position will remain open until a qualified candidate is found.



Job Type
Administration | Director of Special Education
Job Location (County)

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