Substitutes Needed

RSU 67 - Chester, Lincoln, Mattawamkeag | LINCOLN, ME

Posted Date 8/08/2024
R.S.U. No. 67

 Substituting Opportunities 

Teachers, Education Technicians, Kitchen, Custodial, Bus Drivers


Do you want to substitute with an impressive, seasoned team of educational professionals who are dedicated to providing proficiency-based education for all learners?

The Lincoln Lakes Region is surrounded by magnificent mountain views and 13 pristine lakes. 

Lincoln, Maine has a rich culture and is an outdoor enthusiast’s dream with downhome charm.  

Our district has an enrollment of 987 learners.  Our very own Mattanawcook Academy was rated the #13 best high school in the state of Maine by U.S News and World Report (2017).


Successful candidates must hold a CHRC (Criminal History Record Check) certificate through the Maine Department of Education.

Applications can be found at or can be picked up at the Superintendent's office.

Please send applications and supporting documentation to:

RSU No. 67
Superintendent Office
Attn: Rose Clark
25 Airport Rd.
P.O. Box 69
Lincoln, ME  04457

or email to


Job Type
Substitute - Short Term
Job Location (County)

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