Eastport School Department has a opening for a Community School Coordinator (Full-Time Position) for the 2024-2025 school year. Call (207) 853-2567 or email info@sunrisecountyschools.com to request an application.
Community School Coordinator Job Description
The Community School Coordinator (CSC) is responsible for the implementation, integration, alignment, and coordination of the community school strategy at the site level. As a “community organizer” for the school and community, the CSC will work to create, strengthen, and maintain the bridge between the school and community, and facilitate a collaborative process and development of a continuum of services for children, families, and community members within the school neighborhood. The CSC is accountable to the school principal and is therefore expected to plan and align all program, services, and opportunities collaboratively.
This is a one year, grant funded position. Additional years may be available pending grant renewal.
The Community School Coordinator’s work year will consist of 200 work days.
Primary Responsibilities
- Implement a menu of needs-driven, high-quality programs and services in adherence with the community school model, including but not limited to expanded learning and enrichment opportunities, health services, parent/family engagement, adult education, direct material assistance, and interventions targeted to chronically absent students.
- Ensure the alignment and integration of all programming with the school’s vision to the fullest extent possible.
- Coordinate needs and resource assessment activities on an ongoing basis, employing a variety of strategies and including a broad cross-section of stakeholders.
- Convene and facilitate the site-based Community School Advisory Team, composed of administrators, teachers, support services staff, community partners, parents, and others to identify needs, set priorities, and coordinate the implementation plan.
- Support the research/evaluation of the community school by supervising and coordinating the collection of data and timely submission of reports and responses to other requests for information made by the initiative’s leadership.
- Participate in capacity-building activities, including initiative-wide and site-based training, network meetings and study visits, and – with the principal- ensure the participation of other site-based staff as needed or required.
- Assist in writing the Community School grant for the following school year.
- Execute other tasks as indicated by the principal.
Credential Requirements
Maine State Fingerprint (CHRC) authorization. Website: http://www.maine.gov/doe/ert/fingerprinting/index.html